Mohawk Golf Club is hosting a Cornhole tournament on Thursday, March 14th 2024. This event will be like the one held by Dan Wilber and Brian Kelly of Millbrook Golf and Tennis Club. So, in the tradition created, it will be a day full of bag throwing, food, craft beer and guys getting together.
TO REGISTER: Contact Eric Westervelt at Mohawk Golf Club
WHAT TO BRING…….it’s simple:
- 4 or 6 pack of IPA or your favorite craft beer to share!
- All Brands are accepted, even Busch Latte if that’s your jam.
9:30am-10:00am – Arrival/Practice
10:00am-10:30am – Bags Start to Fly
Noon – Lunch
3:00pm – Tentative ending or until the finals are completed.
- Tournament fee is $10 per man, which will cover prize money for the winning teams.
- Tournament is double elimination.
- Teams will be setup by a rating of A (Decent Player who plays in a league or is really good), B (Player who has played and can at least throw a bag) and C (Player that rarely plays and can barely hit the board)
- Players are then teamed up as A,C and B’s. No Sandbaggers, it makes it for a better tournament.
- Please contact me if you have interest, or are planning on attending. I need to get an estimate for the food and boards required. There will be an email before the event to finalize numbers.
Please forward this to anyone else that may be interested in attending, or vendors who would like to donate for the food. I will cap the tournament at a certain number, but anyone can come to eat, drink and hangout.
Eric Westervelt
Golf Course Superintendent
Mohawk Golf Club
(518) 930-8573